Sector: Residential
Location: Manchester
Status: Planning consent
The proposed scheme aims to redevelop the existing site at 3 Hillingdon Road into a high-quality residential scheme comprising of two new semi-detached, four bed dwellings. The development will demolish the existing house to enable two carefully considered replacement dwellings more suited to the scale and style of the neighbouring properties. The existing property does not sit well within the context and is out-dated and not suitable to modern family living.
The layout of the proposals will open up the site to the street whilst the design of the new dwellings aims to complement the existing street scene. The proposals aim to improve the setting in terms of design and quality and thus improve the existing housing and street scene, whilst also creating usable and modern housing which is in much demand in the area.
The architectural response to the site takes reference from the surrounding vernacular. The modelling to the elevations reflects the modelling and character of neighbouring buildings, both old and new, where a variety of window sizes, bay windows, dormers, recessed elements and single storey extensions can be found. This contemporary interpretation of the neighbouring properties and local vernacular enhances the site and creates a high quality design that is arguable more suited to the site than the existing dwelling.